Sunday, March 9, 2014

How to save your phone's battery life without SACRIFICES!

7:47 PM Posted by phonesoldier , , No comments
Battery life! One of the most scaring nightmares for heavy user of a phone, Not that you could do something about it but there are some ways by which you could save your phone's battery life without making sacrifices like using 2G networks or turning off the wifi at all! And I am going to tell you how! So shall we?
What a warning should be like!

Before learning how to save battery, you should know how to charge it, so let's first take a look at charging tips!

First off is the way of how you charge your phone and this is one of the most crucial points of saving battery or avoiding to damage the battery! The most efficient to charge a phone is charging up to 100% and charge it before getting lower than 20%! As your phone's battery gets damage if you bring it below 20% because your phone's battery has to do a lot more work to keep it ON before 0%! So this is the way you should charge your phone everyday!

Next is the answer to the question of "how can I charge my phone faster?" and answer is airplane mode! Yes, If you charge your phone keeping it in airplane mode, you could actually charge it 50% faster! My lumia 925 charges in 3 hours and if i keep it in airplane mode, it takes just 90 minutes! So next time, keep that in mind!

Now how to save your battery! And this is actually really tough if you are not willing to sacrifice features like 3G or high brightness but there are some ways by which you could actually do it!  

First is the vibration! The killer of battery! You would not know it but yes vibration takes a lot battery and you could live without vibration, can't you? So turn off the vibration and use ringtones to know when any call comes!

Second is actually just for those users who have a phone with AMOLED display! You should use a dark background always as we see in windows phones! That's not actually a sacrifice if you can find some great dark backgrounds!

Third is the tip for when you are sleeping! You would sleep in night and when you wake you probably notice that your battery life is really low or is decreased! For this turn off your gps or wifi or bluetooth as you don't need these features when you are sleeping!

Fourth is kill the apps which you don't use and are running in the background! you can check that in the battery option and see which app is using the most battery! You don't need the app which sucks your battery and is of no use!

Fifth is use your phone in definite intervals, i mean that your phone's battery gets heated up when you use it constantly and if you feel your phone is getting hot then take a 5 minutes break and let it cool down as it would help in battery saving!

Sixth tip is change the sync of apps to larger period as they consume a lot battery if there are too many mails in your phone! Don't turn sync off as it would be a sacrifice, i know! but keep it a longer period!

Seventh  is change check updates to manually rather than automatically as you are not going to get an update everyday, you can check it by your yourself , it will be maximum once in month or so!

Eight and the last is turn off the BLUETOOTH! you are not sharing your data each second! Turn it off for god's sake and your phone's too!

So that was it! Thank you for reading! I hope this tips help you at some extent if not fully!
DO follow me on twitter @phonesoldier if you like to hear more from me! comments are always welcomed! Share this post or any other if you think it is worth it!


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