Friday, March 21, 2014

What is basically Forked Android and how it differs from Android!

8:43 PM Posted by phonesoldier , , , , No comments
So A few weeks back, Nokia launched their X series smartphones that run on the forked version of android and are flooded with Microsoft services instead of Google and now that is is gaining popularity, a lot of people are getting extremely confused about basically forked android! What is it? Is it android? If yes, where's the play store? Well, I am here just to explain that in the most simple words i could and differentiate it from android!

So I am just going to point the most notable points on how forked android differs from the android we see basically and that will most probably give you an idea on whether you should opt for it or not! Let us begin!

The FIRST and the basically the most important point to note here is the services we get built in! And those are the Microsoft services! On regular android, on start up you have to provide your Google account information but in this case, you get Microsoft and you have to create a Microsoft account if you don't have one!

SECOND point is the Multitasking! You can't multitask in this phone! That's actually a big drawback as in android, you can just switch between apps any time you want but here you gotta first close the app you are on and then open a new app!

THIRD is the Google play store! You don't get the Google play store on the Nokia x series, in exchange you get Nokia's own store with a bundle of applications and if you want all the play store, you gotta side load them or you can choose a different way by installing an app called 1mobile market and that will give access to almost all the android apps and from there you can install the app you want! Little irritating at first, but you will get comfortable with it after you install that app! 

FOURTH is the lock screen widgets! You don't get lock screen widgets on nokia x! If you are a user of the onscreen widgets already , you might wanna take a look at a different phone!

FIFTH is the specifications! Nokia X is running on an older version of android that is android 4.1.2 and this particular version is not really optimized for low budget phones and given that the dual core and 512 RAM of Nokia X, this phone may start to lag after installing a couple of applications and forget about running high end games! As Nokia said that they are not going to extent their Nokia x series to high end market and stay focused on low end, you should not really wait for a high end Nokia android phone!   

SIXTH is the smoothness! Don't expect this phone to be smooth as this phone is not smooth as the windows phone! The skin that Nokia used lags a couple of times and applications take about 2-5 seconds to open up! 


So to sum up, you are not really buying an android phone, you are basically buying a Asha phone with the windows phone look and android apps! That's basically the best way to describe it! So if you are OK with these problems and if you like Microsoft services, go for it else according to me. you should still buy the Nokia lumia 525 or the little costlier moto g if you want an android experience because nobody likes an android phone with low end specs! 

So that was it for this time! 

Thank you for reading! DO follow me on twitter @phonesoldier if you like to hear more from me! comments are always welcomed! Share this post or any other if you think it is worth it!


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