Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Which type of smartphone display is the best for you!

7:09 PM Posted by phonesoldier , , No comments
Displays of smartphones are getting really important nowadays because of the size of the phone, as before there were phones of smaller sizes, normal eye couldn't really differentiate between these features but today this is one of the most important feature a customer looks for in a smartphone and we are here to talk about that!

In the race of smartphones these days, there are a lot of aspects in which one manufacture tries to outrun the other and one of the most important category on the spec sheet is the display! With the thought of outrunning others, a lot of different displays are created by smartphone manufacturers by just changing the amount of pixels and adding big words like super or ultra, but do these things matter that much? not really! The only thing that matters is the base of a display that is from where it started and there are just actually just three of them! they are LCD, OLED, and IPS! And i am going to help you choose the best from these and tell you which one is the most suitable to you!

You may think that what about other displays like clearblack display by nokia or retina display by apple but these are just subcategories of the basic displays i mentioned earlier! Like Retina display is nothing but a better LCD display or the clearblack is nothing but an antiglare filter for providing better visibility in outdoor sunlight! So let's begin! 

First, We will start with the LCD display! LCD screens start with an always-on backlight; this technology requires light to create black, white, and colors. High-end LCDs produce the most accurate colors, though their manufacturers sometimes intentionally calibrate LCDs to produce weaker red, blue, and purple shades in order to reduce the device's power consumption.

LCDs generally age slower, with their brightness and color balance holding up fairly well over thousands of hours of use.

Second is the OLED! OLED, on the other hand, doesn't require any light to produce black, only white and colors. Therefore, it's considered battery-saving (since it requires no energy to create black) and can produce inky blacks. OLEDs are often considered brighter as well (as we see in nokia phones), creating punchy hues. As a side effect, OLED screens tend to over saturate the color green in order to create better brightness!
OLEDs also age more rapidly than LCDs  which means that the red and blue colors deteriorate faster than green, which can further throw the color balance out of whack as I saw on my nokia lumia 800! 
OLEDs can also be expensive to make, and in the past, limited production has caused some manufacturers, like HTC, to switch from AMOLED to LCD screens.

Third and the last is IPS! IPS (in-plane switching) is a type of premium LCD technology that's touted for its wide viewing angle and clearer picture. The IPHONE  is a prime example of a phone using IPS panels.
IPS is considered a different class as it is way better than the normal LCDs in terms of viewing angles and clarity!

So which one is better for you? If you are a power consumer and go out a lot, then OLED is the best for you! On the other if you are going to  keep the same phone for a longer period, then go for the LCD!
And if you want a better quality than LCD, go for the IPS but they are a little costlier and if you find a IPS display on a budget phone, they are probably not going to age well!

So this is it for This article! Thank you for reading! Do follow me on twitter @phonesoldier to hear more from me! Share this article or any other article if you like it!


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