Sunday, March 23, 2014

Taking a look back at the Windows phone 7!

10:58 AM Posted by phonesoldier , , , , , , , No comments
The first windows phone by nokia was launched in the 2011 that was the Nokia lumia 800 and from then the streak is still continuing as nokia has launched a ton of windows phones as of now! But does that really mean that Nokia lumia 800 was the reason that nokia is still in this market and basically ruling it! The answer is actually really different and i going to explain you that! Let us begin!

The Nokia lumia 800 was no doubt an exceptional phone and i too bought it and used it for like a year and a half and i still got it and i love it! But there are some flaws and quarks that Nokia should look into as some people still got a windows phone 7 running lumia and are in desperate need of applications! The stage at which windows phone 8 is at right now is incredible and the marketplace is really huge comparing it to when it was launched and then we look at the windows phone 7, there is absolutely nothing! Not even the nokia drive application is updated to here drive and that is actually really sad because that is not what we execpt from nokia usually and basically that is the most important reason, that wp8 is not that successful!   As wp8 launched nokia completely forgot about the wp7 users and  totally abandoned it! There are many users of wp7 that i see comment regularly  on nokia's facebook account or twitter and ask for some new apps or upgrades! Those users who own a nokia lumia 800 or any wp7 are not willing to upgrade to wp8 as they lost trust in them and basically lost trust in nokia and are switching to android or IOS! 

IF Nokia was smart enough to at least provide some updates to wp7 users, the share of wp8 would have been greater as it is of now! Because the users who are frustated with the wp7 would warn others about it who are thinking of buying a wp8 device and by that they would change their mind and just go to an android or ios! I still have  an iphone 3gs and a few days back, it received a minor update and i was like WHAT! I mean after 6 years of its release , that phone is still receiving updates! And we look at wp7, after 2 years, microsoft just abandoned it and started focusing on wp8! This is just a slap in the face as people bought the wp7 with a trust and hope that it will rise someday even they knew there are no apps including me! And what are they left with today? Just a phone with outdated specs and outdated apps! 

So this is a call to all the wp7 users out there to share and spread this to the world and get Nokia to release something for wp7! Just tweet this to nokia and microsoft and let it spread!

So that's for today's article! HOPE YOU LIKED IT! 

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