photo editor by aviary best photo editor apps for androidPhoto Editor by Aviary

[Price: Free]
Photo Editor by Aviary stands out on our list because it has a slightly more composed set of actual editing features. There are still things like stickers, filters, and the like, but the app has extra tools for editing including things like fixing red-eye, whitening teeth, Get it on Google Playetc. It’s a fairly solid app overall although it won’t have that appeal for fans of Instagram-style filters as it will for people who want just a good looking photo.
photo editor by aviary best photo editor apps for android

photo editor pro best photo editor apps for androidPhoto Editor Pro

[Price: Free]
Photo Editor Pro is a very solid photo editor app even if there’s nothing over-the-top about it. It features a one-touch enhance feature, filters, frames, and the basic photo improvement tools Get it on Google Playlike color balance, crop, and rotate. Again, there’s nothing overly special about it, but it is a solid option for people who just need to do a little touching up here and there.
photo editor pro best photo editor apps for android

Photoshop Touch best photo editing apps for androidPhotoshop Touch for phone

[Price: $4.99]
With a name like Photoshop, you expect greatness right? Well, before you get your hopes up too high, you should know that this isn’t nearly as powerful as the desktop application. You can do some of the basic Photoshop things like working with layers. However, It’s mixed in with more conventional mobile photo editing features like filters and mild adjustments like color correction. There are Get it on Google Playsome cool features like camera fill and compatibility with desktop Photoshop using the Adobe Creative Cloud. So if you’re a big fan of Adobe products, this app should be useful.
Photoshop Touch best photo editing apps for android

PicsArt best photo editing apps for AndroidPicsArt Photo Studio (personal favorite) 

[Price: Free]
When it comes to photo editing features that focus around things like collages, there are few apps that are better than PicsArt. It does focus primarily on collages and, thus, has a bunch of features for that. However, there are still the basic photo editing things like filters, controls, and adjustments along with some unusual features like finger-painting Get it on Google Playand stickers. It’s a solid free app and a must-have for collage fans. However, if you’re looking for something a little more in depth, you may want to try something else.
PicsArt best photo editing apps for Android

Rage Comics Photo Editor best photo editing apps for androidRage Comics Photo Editor

[Price: Free]
We all know why this is here. Rage Comics and memes are hilarious. This is essentially just a photo editor with sticker and text features. It includes over 300 meme faces. It doesn’t have any of the other features these other apps have, but it is definitely Get it on Google Playthe funniest one on the list. If you’re looking for something more serious, you should pick of these other apps but if you’re down for a laugh, this can help do that.
Rage Comics Photo Editor best photo editing apps for android

Snapseed best photo editor apps for androidSnapSeed

[Price: Free]
If you’re a fan of Google and want to use only Google apps, we recommend using Snapseed as your photo editor. While the photos app on Google+ has its own small editor, Snapseed is owned by Google and it is, without question, a whole lot better than the Google+ photos app. With this app you can auto-tune and Get it on Google Playauto-correct images quickly if need be. There are also the standard filters, adjustment features, and frames. It’s a fun and solid app that’s perfect for Google fans.
Snapseed best photo editor apps for android

So that was it for this article! Thank you for reading! hope you like it! These were my favorite photo editing apps, do mention your favorites in the comments or send me and connect me on twitter @phonesoldier! Share this or any other post if you think it is worth!